Cheap, versatile, and packed with 6 grams of protein and thirteen essential vitamins, eggs are ane of the best ways to outset your day (and not a bad way to end 1 either!). There are so many ways to cook upwards eggs, and for flexitarians, adding an egg to your become-to dish is a great way to get the protein that your torso needs.

Only how long do eggs last? If you're living alone or in a smaller household, you may find that a carton of eggs can sit in your fridge for awhile. Unfortunately, fresh food like eggs don't last as long every bit other packaged foods. Here's what the experts have to say about how long eggs stay fresh and how to store them properly.

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How long do eggs concluding?

If you're storing your eggs at the recommended temperature of 40° F or below, the U.Due south. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends using your eggs within 3 weeks of purchase. The Egg Safety Center claims that you tin can still consume eggs four to five weeks past their packing date, but bacteria that causes food poisoning like Salmonella and E-Coli tin can build up over time — then it'south probably all-time to throw away your older eggs.

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Frozen eggs tin last for up to a year — but it'due south of import that y'all don't freeze eggs inside their shells. If you planning on freezing your eggs, beat the yolks and whites together first. Yous tin can also but freeze just the eggs whites.

If you lot're saving leftovers from a dish made with eggs, the FDA recommends refrigerating them and eating inside 3 or four days. Hard-boiled eggs can stay in the refrigerator for up to a week.

How tin can you tell if an egg is even so good?

Trust your gut on this one — if something about the eggs looks or smells wrong, information technology'due south probably all-time to toss it. Here are some specifics to look out for:

  • Requite it a sniff — if the eggs smells rancid in the trounce or after it's cleaved in a bowl, don't eat information technology.
  • Inspect your egg a piffling closer. Is the beat out slimy or cracked? This could point leaner. Does the shell have a powdery appearance? This could mean mold. When you scissure the egg, bank check for pink, bluish, green or black discoloration, which is another sign of bacterial growth.
  • Eggs contaminated with Salmonella may look and scent normal, then exist sure to double-cheque the "sell by" engagement or the expiration date on your cartoon of eggs to figure out how old they are.

What'due south the best mode to store my eggs?

Go on your eggs in the middle shelf towards the back of your refrigerator, instead of on the door. Products kept on the door are often exposed to varying temperatures, and items kept in the middle of the fridge tend to stay cooler. Also, take intendance not to put croaky eggs dorsum in the container fifty-fifty temporarily — this could lead to bacteria, so discard egg shells immediately.